A friend showed me this the other day and I thought it was so cool I'd share it with all of you guys in case someone doesn't know about it.
Items Required: Laptop, T.V., HDMI Cord
Steps to gaming:
1. Power Laptop on
2. Power T.V on (These may seem like dumb steps but ya never know. I'd rather be thorough than leave something out and someone forgets.)
3. Plug HDMI Cord into the HDMI slot on your computer and into you T.V.
4. On your T.V go to the input setting the HDMI Cord is connected to
5. On your Laptop you have 2 options
1. Set the output to show on Computer and the T.V
2. Set the output to only show on the T.V
My favorite way to play is to show on the T.V only.
This looks amazing on a 72 in. TV and is a great experience for playing
If you really want to up the antics go ahead and drop the 1.6m to get that 300 in. Titan TV and tell me how it goes
Also if anybody knows how I can get my phone screen on my TV please drop a link below or just pm me how. I've been looking and haven't found a working way yet.