Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
I named him out not as a threat but because it appeals personally since me and him both know each other and used to help each out in PvP before he quit.

I warned you once before to test my patience with instigations. As a result, I'm shutting down the tournament and will distribute the prizes evenly to the remaining contestants.

Thank you all for participating and in the future, please do not mistake my patience as inability to take action.
I'm confused. So due to someone testing your patience you're closing down a tournament? Bless, Iady, Amok worked hard, and won tedious rounds in their brackets, and have been waiting for over a month to compete due to Snackie's inactiveness.

Obviously anyone who organized a tournament has the right to close down the tournament, but this seems rather unfair, and quite honestly like a bit of a power-trip.