What is it like to be <Enigmatic> in Arlor? Well, we aren't too serious or run the guild with a heavy hand. We try and keep our rules to a minimum and encourage everyone to do what makes them happy in the game. For some that is PvP, others like to collect and acquire items and vanity, many of us are social players and hang in Camp just talking about our days. The one thing we have in common is we are mainly a PvE guild and we like to farm!!! We recently made an appearance in the top 5 on the leaderboards, and that was a blessing for sure! However, we don't stress over it and push people to maintain numbers or APs but rather let the numbers fall as they may each week. Sometimes we have a bunch of people joining and other days we have a few people leaving the guild. One of the most important things that our Guild Master has taught us is that loyalty is important. The core members have been in the guild for a long time and we are really close. If you choose to become <Enigmatic> we will treat you like family once we get a chance to know you.
We do fun social events, especially now because the game is in a lull.
Recently we had a birthday party for one of our officers, Visiting! This came with feel good vibes and we all talked about how we got to know him in the game and his contributions to this guild as a founding officer. Our guild is filled with talented students, adults, moms, dads, even husbands and wives that come together and share a common bond. Everyone in our guild is approachable and if you see anyone with an <Enigmatic> tag no matter how veteran they are, we are always willing to lend a hand or ear to anyone in this game. We are humble and love this place we call Arlor.
Another common bond of our members is our forum activity. Many of us are here posting and contributing back to the community and developers on the forum. We encourage our guild to be in the know by making forum accounts and reading the forums often. We also have a LINE group that isn't required, but is another way for us to hang out and socialize when we can't be in the game. Our line group is open to all members, regardless of age, and we keep it PG13 unless Zylx is getting wild you never know. (; Leambow is working hard for our guild and creating neat signatures, and will make one for anyone that becomes Enigmatic.
In addition to social events, we hold PvE events as well. Our most recent one was 'The Quest for Singe' and we gave away a singe egg. We have a lot of these contests and have awarded planar amulet recipe, mythic weapons and armor, gold, and all sorts of legendary eggs. Our guild master is generous and likes to give back to the members as much as possible through these events. We also participated in the 'Tour of Arlor' and our guild won first place which we are forever proud of. We have a few members that like to work on the timed runs as well, our officer Eat/Calicus is our go to for these runs.
We are friends with all of the other guilds in Arlor and respect everyone here in this game who is positive and helpful. We don't poach or try and get people to jump guilds, but rather stay open to anyone who asks to join <Enigmatic>. Recently we did tighten up our recruiting requirements, but if you are someone that doesn't meet them now please ask us for help in how to maximize your build and gear. Our head recruiter 'Diggdugg' is active and able to assist any potential members in Arlor.
Thanks everyone and we look forward to seeing and meeting you in Arlor!!!
As always,
Your friends in Enigmatic