Quote Originally Posted by Fyrce View Post
It's very cute and super fast to get up and going. I'm not sure I'd call it an MMO. More like individual dungeons and/or tasks. Supposedly there're quests/goals that require teamwork but I just started, so I'm not there yet.

I like how it's super fast to get started and fights/dungeons take about a minute. Super easy to jump in for a few seconds and jump out.

It looks great and the battle moves are very cool looking.

However, moving while fighting is hit or miss for me -- your characters stops frequently and you have to notice and remember to get moving again. There is not really any walking around the map or interacting, so they simplified it a bunch. And sometimes when the game thinks your doing one thing but you accidentally click on something else, you're stuck w/ a dialog screen you can't do anything about until the game decides to time that out -- so basically lots of bugs. When that happens, all I can do is quit and do something else for like 1/2 hour until the game decides you really did quit.

Game so far is ok for short bouts either in arena or the same-same dungeons.
I know, there are tons of bugs and they all get tedious after a while. I also get textural bugs too which I find disappointing. Yet the game was just released and I hope Snail fixes all of these soon