Nekro*>Maridos>Samael>SnS>Singe>Hammerjaw>Glacian> whim

As a full pve rogue perspective the SnS i saw arenot worth it at t3 runs and glacian dont even think about it. Whim can be useful but not good stats for rogue. Hammerjaw maridos (most useful of those 3 buffer) singe better because their buff AA lasts on good time and can be do many times a min (hammerjaw has fastest CD of all arcane pets and +100 hp 10,5 dmg and 60 int always appreciated each 16 seconds) Samael is really powerful because of his stun and stats but dont see much anymore because kelvin aa stun ALL the time at t3 and less CD.

This is a personnal opinion if you want to judge it its your choice but dont trash talk please.