Quote Originally Posted by aquascaper View Post
Hi everyone,

Since 2015 started, I've been playing a lot less AL. The game has just gotten repetitive to me. I tried starting as a brand new character with a friend from irl, but it still was meh. In the last few months, I've been a number of times that I can count on one hand. I will log on a few more times to pay of a debt and say my goodbyes, but I'm pretty much quitting AL now.

Thank you for all the good memories! I love you, AL community, especially, <Elite Runners>, the Arcane Santa Participants, and my friends: Lonelywolfe, Peomage (I still owe you pm me or email me), Justhell, Entity, Pyrogenie, Ladynifft, and everyone else (sorry if I forgot you - I haven't been on in awhile)!

Goodbye AL,
aquascaper (you can reach me @ operationarcanesanta@gmail.com. I have enabled forwarding to my primary email so I will receive your emails unless they go to spam)

I'm aware that this belongs in a the sunsets and happy trails forum, but I put it here so that a few people will see it before it gets moved. Mods, if you are reading this, feel free to move it.
what game isnt repetitive? heck I find eating repetitive. lol