Quote Originally Posted by Diggdugg View Post
Nowhere did you say without ankh (just add stuff why don't you) nor did I say I wasn't pulled back.. Personally I like to kill everyone instead of running to the end (hence the name elite map.. Not run screaming ...oooo there's an Orc run away) I die less when killing and die a lot more when running and it's boring when you just run to the boss, for junk loot.

Yes I have nekro it was so cheap everyone should have nekro who has farmed in the game or complete,the to quest it's sts fault all of us has nekro so don't complain about everyone having nekro who runs elites, most of the time I use singe because of the health bonus (Us Mages due a lot)

Regular maps were put out for everyone to be able to run through the elites were built for well elite runners and guilds that's why we don't run pug we are in a guild built for elite farming so don't hate if you run pugs or think that elites are for everyone.
Sorry. Your posts had left me under the impression that the maps were so easy for you that you weren't dying. I see that's not the case. Thank you for clarifying.

I know this might seem cowardly, but I enjoy running maps as fast as possible. I like to see how close I can get to the leaderboards.

I, too, have Nekro, and really good gear. But I recognize that OP gear and OP pets can be crutches (along with OP parties). I like to challenge myself by gearing down and running with pugs. It keeps the game enjoyable for me.

The first time I ran the maps, I soloed them. With comparable gear at the level 41 cap, I could solo planar tombs. I would call the mob difficulty comparable. The problem is, the boss difficulty isn't even close.

Personally, I'd be in heaven if the maps were so difficult that hardly anyone could finish them. (I like my games absurdly difficult. I was at my happiest when I was struggling to get through planar tombs in pugs with terrible gear and no gold.) I'm just trying to provide honest feedback. Even in my OP gear and in OP parties, I do in fact get killed by the mobs sometimes. I never get killed by the bosses.

As for your guild, I have nothing but good things to say. Many of my best friends are in Enigmatic. I prefer to go guildless because I just like doing things my own way.