Well...if ur stupid enough to be scammed....it is indeed your problem.

However, It is indeed an unfortunate event of such criminals taking advantage of players who are either ignorant/delusioned to the fact that people, do not necessarily need to help you, and that offers that seem too good or people who seem to be nice to you for no good reason, often have malicious intents hidden behind their actions, therefore I very rarely trust others, and their is only a handful of people in game I would trust.

It honestly baffles me that people are willing to place their trust on people they barely know, other people they have known for a long time-which being scammed by the aforementioned makes way more sense.

Anyway, many thanks to candy for pointing out this scam and by this, helpimg others to avoid being in an similar position to your guildmates who were scammed.

BTW, isnt there a "how to avoid being scammed" guide in here? People rly need to read that.