Quote Originally Posted by afterme View Post
What's the difference in gear price between rogue and mage? And are rogues any fun? Are mages still great even though they can be squishy? And, how hard is it to become rich as a mage?
Every class has got its own importance & skills so u cant consider any of the class to be weak or useless. The trend has changed now people are looking for fast runs by making a full rogue( 4 members ) pt or 2 mage & 2 rogues pt or 3 rogue & 1 mage pt, this trend has made it hard for the tanks to find a good pt.
But, this doesnt make tanks useless as they are still needed very importantly in maps example like Planar Tombs, as tanks are the only class who have the ability to park the giants perfectly.
Coming to mages, they make the runs more easier with the help of their unique skills like frost bolt which freezes mobs(not all) making deal with less damage from mobs & lifegiver helps to save mana pots for tank & rogues.
Coming to rogue they of course are one of the best class with an all round performance & is most important class to form a party.
So, every class has its own value with their unique & specialised skills.
Coming to the gears if u r looking for an economical class with low priced good gears u can prefer to choose Mage.
Warriors gears are so costly or high priced compared to rogue & mage.
Rogue gears are pretty affordable & some are low priced & some others are high price.
Most importantly all 3 class have got there own pro's & con's like:-

1. High health & strength
2. High armor
3. Mob killing

1. Low Damage & DPS
2. Low critical
3. Low mana

1.High mana
2.High DPS
3.Mob killing

1.Low armor
2.Low Critical
3.Low health

1.High Damage & DPS
2.High critical
3.Good armor

1.Targets single enemy
2.Low mana
3.Low health

{ Not sure whether every pro's & con's i have mentioned about all classes is perfect & correct so please do refer guide made by proffessionals }

So, its up to u to choose a better class but do remember that all class are good & unique
U always have a chance to choose between the choices