Quote Originally Posted by Dimitrian View Post
You chose a warrior because everyone did so.And everyone still does.
Go to windmoore or Traveler's Outpost for example.Tell me how many warriors you see (not endgame ofc).
Then,go to expadition camp.Tell me how many warriors you see.(endgame or not,doesn't matter there).
Also,check your friendlist and your guildlist.Divide the number of rogues you see to the number of warriors.
Nearly every new player chooses the warrior.He is the big guy with muscles,he is in the game's icon ffs.A warrior is the king of Nordr,a warrior is the greatest hero of Arlor and Nordr,a warrior is the player with the most pve kills in the game...
The warrior IS supposed to be Arcane Legends!
And he was...but not for long.
Now the Arcane Legends has become Rogue Legends.I mean,in season 1,2,3,4 (you know,the golden age of AL),the game was full of warriors,but it was balanced.You needed all 3 classes in the game to succesfully complete an elite dungeon (i don't know if i can call them elites now).But now,as Candylicks said (or someone else,sorry,i don't know for sure):"Nothing is better than a full rogue party".

Most of you still think i play as a warrior.
No,i don't.And i am sorry for that.I would've keep playing as Dimitrian forever...That warrior was my life...it had my RL name...it had all those memories...when i completed elite oltgar with 2 warriors in a pt and still managed to finish in 45 minutes...
But,as good things must come to an end,i realized how dangerous was to play as a guest.And because my tablet got #rekt.

*ehm*ehm* Sorry for this long post.
In conclusion,buff the warriors.
And as Ankush said,let's not beg for buffing the warriors.Let's ask for it.

Thanks for reading,

Dimi(the great)trian.
First time someone understood my point xD

But yeah the only reason people chose it was because
1)They though in rogue it will be thought as if they are a girl but many G.I.R.L* play as a rogue
2)Mage the name sorc was too complicated and didn't look good too

But warriors look good and warrior is a commonly used word too.

*full form:: Guys in real life


Let's see what happens and thanks for reading both of my not to useful threads xD


[unfortunately a warrior]