Thanks for the offer! I'll add you when I'm next on.

I'm definately inexperienced at this game I've only been playing a few weeks. Got to grips with most of the basics now. I do think it's far easier to level up than in other MMOs but that's a different topic altogether :-p

I could sit and spend a few days reading guides on everything and know everything there is to know and then another few days power levelling to 55 but where's the fun in that. It's a game not a book! Guides are for lazy people. I'd rather go out and figure it all out myself over time and make a thread like this for the rare occasions where I get stuck or want some advice. It's a good game with plenty of variety of places to explore and items to look for, why waste that by reading a guide and being power levelled?

Anyway I'm going off topic on my own topic haha. Thanks for all the responses guys