Hmmm either really good quality camera or google images cant tell
Hmmm either really good quality camera or google images cant tell
We had a pretty good turnout! Though some were confused why it was going on for three weeks (specified in the first post....)
It was called "U.S. National Parks Tour" though in reality we only did a fraction of them though. Some other good parks to visit in that general area would be Yosemite, Sequoia, Mt. Rainer, Mt. Saint Helens, and the Olympic National Parks.
I can assure you I took them.
What phone did u use for these pics seo?
Oh well nice pics then
dang no selfies?
Wow, gorgeous.
Star light, star bright...
dem antlers tho
Had a nice blast eh seo?
I spotted an SnS egg in one of those pic Seo. Hope you picked it up!
Why didn't you party invite me to your holiday?
so much antlers i wanna make a sword out of em
well that's just feeling like a magical land that does not belongs to real world.
What is ypur camera name or phone?
Next time!
I wonder what the reaction was of the initial people who just happen to run into it. It really does seem extraterrestrial.
It's an iPhone 6+ (not the newest one) Glad to hear you enjoyed them!
Nice pictures
Nice pics, hope you had fun
True fact: All girl gamers love with Farmlist.