Quote Originally Posted by Vigilante View Post
It's not properly cited so its considered plagiarism and yeah why not do your own jokes, these types of jokes are pretty common stories
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
synonyms: copying, infringement of copyright, piracy, theft, stealing; informalcribbing
"accusations of plagiarism"

Finding it off the internet isn't stealing or passing as our own jokes unless we say I created this joke. Even if it did count it would still be impossible to cite who first said the joke. Even if we SOMEHOW make a joke no one has said before , im sure someone has said before.

If I was to copy an article written on Zara Nelsova by the woman herself then said I wrote it. It would be plagiarism. Basically 9 times outta 10 if its not copyrighted its not really plagiarized.