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Thread: [Q]What is the story of AL?

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    Forum Adept Anakeobal's Avatar
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    Default [Q]What is the story of AL?

    Hey! I wanted know the story line of AL I just started playing al blind by,completing quest and farming gold/stuffs,etc. Never read the story so wanted to know the story n also is their any video on it then please can u share it I really want to see it..

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    Senior Member Ceuidear's Avatar
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    There isnt any particular whole story for AL but every town is linked with 4 maps which has got a story so u ll learn about it by completing respective quests which u take in all towns & complete in maps.
    Following are the towns linked to maps with stories:-

    1. Windmoore city - Brackenridge maps
    2. Travellers Outpost - Ydra maps
    3. Kraag city - Dead city maps
    4. Stronghold - Nordr maps
    5. City of Keyls - Shuyal maps
    6. Paradise pier & Dragon's jewel - Kraken isles maps
    7. Expedition camp - Tindirin maps
    8. Garetta town - Glinstone maps

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    Aka short story

    Beginning ---> no Locks uberomgwtflolluck
    Middle ---> Locks and uberomgwtflolluck reign, impact of class imbalance Started
    Present less impact of Locks uberomgwtflolluck but class imbalance became immortal

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    Gather round me children, let ol bard hatey take you awaaaaaay.

    A long long time ago, in a forest a far far... (ok yeah that doesnt exactly fit the story plot)

    So there was a this guy named jarl. he was a pretty bad guy, he drank a crap ton of beer and to solve his problems of debt because of his severe alcoholism, he had his miners dig deeper into the earth, like REALLY deep. More then a 3 feet if you can imagine. (because back then gold was just about falling everywhere)
    So finally the miners went so deep the accidentally poked a goblin spider queen thing.... whatever. It was big, and nasty and had really big teeth.
    So we came and killed it. Lo and Behold, there was a big town right behind!
    So then the world of Arlor become a little beacon in the universe and every skeleton/demon/snowtroll/orc wants a piece of it. (just cuz we killed a few gobs)

    Then the underworld decided it was there turn. So they sent up the Big Bad Wolf aka Bael aka not really a wolf. In the end he killed our beloved wizard, so we killed him.

    Then we discovered kragg, then we discovered that other...uglier side of kragg...

    Then Pirates came. No good Pirates with their swearing and drinking and over all cheerful manner and coolness.... Now I wanna be a Pirate ;-;

    We knocked the bananas outta them. (we also learned fun facts about the mother of all rogues)

    Then we got our furs and headed north, like way north, in fact we ended up going a little bit south and had to turn back.

    We ended up fighting ancient snow giants who wanted to take over Arlor... again... (evil army approaching, slow mo fire ball, evil army running away)

    (we learned some fun stuff about the papa warrior king)

    Then we stole their tech and transported too the home of the mage. A dreary purple wasteland, populated by tiny blue people who were ruled by, you guess it, a evil guy. (we killed him too)

    Then we got some kick *** armor and decided " hey, lets go invading" and invaded an island. Lo and Behold it was the only island in the area that had freaking DRAGONS on it. The "nativex" natives (corny joke! corny joke!) did not take so kindly and attacked. (so we killed them really quickly)

    Then we went back to being the good guys and found a new tiny people to help. (tiny with bootiful mustachio mustaches) They were scared out of their homes by orcs. So we ran in and scared the orcs out.

    (present day)

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    Bael wanted to do bad guy stuff. You must stop him! (This is where the game ended originally)

    Then some fool named Rutger was secretly up to no good, trying to steal ancient powers and waking ancient demons.

    Then the story involving the 3 heroes of legend started being implemented, giving some backstory to the history of rogues in Kraken, warriors in Nordr, and mages in Shuyal. Defend rogue-land from pirates, defend warrior-land from frost giants, use a magic portal to travel to mage-land and defeat a super evil being.

    And that's where they had planned to have AL's story end again.

    So then Trindin was released because randoms need help from dragons trying to take over. It actually related to the prior winter event's story. So Trindin can be considered a side story.

    Then that existed for like...over a year? And somehow people still kept playing AL. And now there is whatever campaign happening.

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    I don't see any people interested with AL's lore, so this is quite a rare sighting!

    Okay,so the story is made of 4 parts.

    PART 1:
    Lord Mardrom,lord of the demons wants to invade the world of Arlor and he sends Ghul Bellybottom (an orc) along with his goblin horde to create a portal for Lord Mardrom and his "damned legion" (this is how Dimitrius calls it) to get to Arlor.The goblins choose the Brackenridge gold mine as the construction site for the portal.And they also raid the village,destroy the aqueducts and imprison Dorothy (i think that's her name) because reasons.
    This fails,so Lord Mardrom sends in Bael along with the Necromancers (the witches in ydra forest and Watcher's tomb) to build another portal on Rooks' Nest.Bael doesn't want to get interrupted, so he corrupts the rooks and we all know how that went out.
    A moment of silence for Karin's father.

    Done.After that,Gustav sends you a letter in wich he says he will be going to Rooks's Nest to confront Bael.Bael kills Gustav,you kill Bael and before he dies,Gustav tells tou that the key is the arcane companions (not arcane rarity,just normal pets) and we have to protect them.
    Lord Mardrom is rage quitting.I mean he failed twice,don't tell me you wouldn't do that.A soldier comes and tells him that they have found "The Artifact", a piece of unholy power that can raise the dead.Lord Mardrom manages somehow to teleport to Arlor along with his legion (and The Artifact).They established their headquarters in the Arcanum Castle and attacked Kraag.
    When you meet Noxxar,head of the Kraag Commandos (or as i like to call it,"The Iron Regiment") and he tells you to go to Dimitrius (nice name btw) on the front lines.When you meet him,he assigns you to the army and thus you go to war.
    While you are destroying the Kraag cannons,you meet Captain Rutger,and he gives you the task to find his missing scout,Ann.As you already know,she's the first boss of the campaign and you already guessed what happened to her.
    Moving on,the Dead are sending reinforcements over the frontline,and this time it has an undead troll with it.And his name is...*drumroll* Krunch! No seriously,he's Krunch.
    You finally reach the Arcanum Grounds and when you get there,your first job is to destroy the Artifact,but Rutger wants it for a selfish purpose.The selfish purpose is his girlfriend,who probably died in the Kraag explosion (i think the one responsible for the explosion is the Nott ghost in Paradise Pier).
    Then you finally defeat Mardrom and the legion.

    PART 2:

    The Aegir pirates have always been a danger to the Arlorian coastline,but they spent their time drinking and fighting each other.This changed after Captain Bloodhammer united the pirates under one flag and attacked Windmoore Harbour.Of course,this means war,and you go to war.Again.
    After the attack,you journey to Paradise Pier,the capital city of the Kolga,who are sworn enemies of the Aegir.During the journey,you get attacked by Bloodhammer,and then you learn who you're dealing with.After you get there,you meet general Priska,commander of the Kolga and she gives you your first task:defeat Captain Fangtooth at Grog Beach.
    When you defeat him,you find a mailbag that says that Bloodhammer and Fangtooth somehow betrayed Captain Hately.
    You go there to find what's going on,and when you defeat Captain Hately,he says that he will have no rest until Fangtooth has paid for his betrayal.When he finds out about Fangtooth's death,Hately gives you the location of Bloodhammer's HQ: Skull Cove.
    After you defeat Bloodhammer,you find out that the artifact that allowed Bloodhammer to wreck havoc in The Kraken Isles is the Gleipnir.When you think of Gleipnir,you think of the 3 great heroes: Uller,Vili and Himingleva,and when you think of them, you think of Nordr.

    Surprisingly,Nordr is under attack,blah,blah, blah.You make your way to Stronghold and you meet King Erik who gives you your first task:Sound the Horn of Victory at Reaper's Pass (mount Spyr map).When you get there,you see that the battle is a complete disaster,and only 1 man manages to escape the onslaught.You sound the horn of victory,blah,blah,blah and you continue your way throughout Oltgar Keep to achieve complete victory over the frost.You find out that Grimnr,the last frost giant and the leader of the frost army had stolen a piece if the Gleipnir from Vili's tomb.
    You return to Stronghold,home of Uller's tomb and you retrieve a shard of the Gleipnir from the tomb.With all 3 pieces combined, you have the Glepinir in its full greatness.

    After your great victory over the frost and saving the Kingdom of Nordr from collapse,a misterious Nott (who gives me sometimes the creeps),Seer Hox creates a portal that leads to Shuyal,his homeworld.This is the same portal that the Nott built 100 years ago when they escaped from the almost Devoured land of Shuyal.The portal is called now "The Lost Gate".

    You walk through the portal, and you are given a hero's welcome by the Nott.Just kidding,you thought you are always gonna be welcomed as a hero, didn't you?
    Okay, back to the story.The Nott are scared and they don't know what to do.Elder Horrin (who is too pesimistic for his age IMO) doesn't want you here and begins to complain about opening the portal.At last,he gives you the first task:collect some kind of shadowmancer essence to see if the town's alchemist,Rowan, can find a way to transform the shadowmancers back to the Nott.

    Spoiler alert:it doesn't work.There is no way to turn them back.
    After this sad news,elder Horrin gives you a mission to kill the Wraith heart,Ferrix and retrieve the Heart of the Forest from the overgrowth.After this,you are given the mission of all missions:to kill Darkness incarnate,Inan'Hesh.But for this,you have to go through the Undim Fields.Of course,you get through that aswell and you also kill Inan'hesh.
    NOW you are given a hero's welcome by the remaining Nott.

    PART 3:
    Tarlok,a naughty sorcerer and his dragon companion,Valkoz invade Arlor because some reasons.
    Tarlok wants to conquer Arlor,and he starts with something relatively "small":Nordr.They attack the village of Frozen Hope,in the highest peaks of mount Spyr.
    If you are an old player,you would recognize this as the 2013 winter event.
    Moving on,the heroes of Arlor are called to the rescue.You know what happens next.
    After Tarlok's death,the Arlorians decide to attack Tindirin to take even more revenge for Tarlok's Wrath.Captain Oarswood,Jorrick and General Clurg are leading the expedion.On the island,the Dragkin tribesmen are "welcoming" you with their best troops,including the Elite (nub)Guards.After securing the wilds area and leaving open space for the troops to assault Mount Rockhorn,the leaders of the expedition decide that they will attack the mountain through the tunnels.To get there,they need to defeat the tribesmen at the Jagged Trail.You defeat them,and you make your way through the mountain blah blah blah,complete victory.
    But victory isn't that easy to achieve.There are many dragons spread all across the world who will come to defend their homeland.
    Sirrylax,a dragon lord,comes from the Ursume mountains (just a liitle north from Nordr) and attacks Balmy Bay,the north shore of Tindirin.
    You guessed how that turned out.I'm sure you've been here at the 2014 winter event.In case you haven't,don't worry, they will recolour this event this year too.

    PART 4:
    Just a peaceful afternoon in the village of Garetta,until...ORCS!
    Raiding.Pillaging.Destroying everything in their path,the orcs totally reduced Garetta to a burning ruin.

    Until you showed up.The great heroes of Arlor repaired Garetta and made the Ren'gol orc clan pay for what they've done.

    But you want to know how the orcs came to Garetta,do you?
    Korgar Goretusk,warchief of the Ren'gol orc clan,invaded and pillaged the Glintstone caverns to extract glintstones and make money,and of course,for the Cryostar.
    The Cryostar is an artifact of (almost) limitless power.With it,nothing can stop the orcs.During their mining operations,the orcs created an inter-dimensional portal where they banished the gnomes.But one brave gnome,called Fribbel,escaped through a mining cart outside the caverns into Garetta (you remember in the Garetta rebuilding event that there was a mining cart in the place of the statue that is now? yeah,that's the mining cart Fribbel escaped with).Unaware that the orcs were following him,they pillaged Garetta and you know what happened next.

    Thank you for reading! Have an awful day!
    Last edited by Dimitrian; 11-02-2015 at 04:42 PM.

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    The story in AL is severely underdeveloped. Arlorians are basically a race of mercenaries who follow quests saying do this, do that, kill this, kill that.

    We actually invaded and subdued an island race of technologically primitive semi-humans, the Tindirin. We killed Jarl for no apparent reason. We killed bael because he killed Gustav (an eye for an eye), and failed to stop him opening a portal into the dead city. We killed Lord mardrom because we were told to do so. Then suddenly we ran over to the kraken isles to bully pirates who didn't do anything wrong...we killed their mutant leader, took their gold and ran away.

    Basically the whole story line follows that path...:/

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuntrazeck View Post
    We killed bael because he killed Gustav (an eye for an eye).
    Well it is the one hit wonder way >.<

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuntrazeck View Post
    The story in AL is severely underdeveloped. Arlorians are basically a race of mercenaries who follow quests saying do this, do that, kill this, kill that.

    We actually invaded and subdued an island race of technologically primitive semi-humans, the Tindirin. We killed Jarl for no apparent reason. We killed bael because he killed Gustav (an eye for an eye), and failed to stop him opening a portal into the dead city. We killed Lord mardrom because we were told to do so. Then suddenly we ran over to the kraken isles to bully pirates who didn't do anything wrong...we killed their mutant leader, took their gold and ran away.

    Basically the whole story line follows that path...:/

    Most people skip all the storyline stuff and just do quests, kill monsters and collect loot. Yes, the storyline is underdeveloped but that is mostly because the game is built as a hack&slash, not a RP-oriented game. Personally, I prefer it this way. RP fanatics tend to get tiresome really fast.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimitrian View Post
    I don't see any people interested with AL's lore, so this is quite a rare sighting!

    Okay,so the story is made of 4 parts.

    PART 1:
    Lord Mardrom,lord of the demons wants to invade the world of Arlor and he sends Ghul Bellybottom (and orc) along with his goblin horde to create a portal for Lord Mardrom and his "damned legion" (this is how Dimitrius calls it) to get to Arlor.The goblins choose the Brackenridge gold mine as the construction site for the portal.And they also raid the village,destroy the aqueducts and imprison Dorothy (i think that's her name) because reasons.
    This fails,so Lord Mardrom sends in Bael along with the Necromancers (the witches in ydra forest and Watcher's tomb) to build another portal on Rooks' Nest.Bael doesn't want to get interrupted, so he corrupts the rooks and we all know how that went out.
    A moment of silence for Karin's father.

    Done.After that,Gustav sends you a letter in wich he says he will be going to Rooks's Nest to confront Bael.Bael kills Gustav,you kill Bael and before he dies,Gustav tells tou that the key is the arcane companions (not arcane rarity,just normal pets) and we have to protect them.
    Lord Mardrom is rage quitting.I mean he failed twice,don't tell me you wouldn't do that.A soldier comes and tells him that they have found "The Artifact", a piece of unholy power that can raise the dead.Lord Mardrom manages somehow to teleport to Arlor along with his legion (and The Artifact).They established their headquarters in the Arcanum Castle and attacked Kraag.
    When you meet Noxxar,head of the Kraag Commandos (or as i like to call it,"The Iron Regiment") and he tells you to go to Dimitrius (nice name btw) on the front lines.When you meet him,he assigns you to the army and thus you go to war.
    While you are destroying the Kraag cannons,you meet Captain Rutger,and he gives you the task to find his missing scout,Ann.As you already know,she's the first boss of the campaign and you already guessed what happened to her.
    Moving on,the Dead are sending reinforcements over the frontline,and this time it has an undead troll with it.And his name is...*drumroll* Krunch! No seriously,he's Krunch.
    You finally reach the Arcanum Grounds and when you get there,your first job is to destroy the Artifact,but Rutger wants it for a selfish purpose.The selfish purpose is his girlfriend,who probably died in the Kraag explosion (i think the one responsible for the explosion is the Nott ghost in Paradise Pier).
    Then you finally defeat Mardrom and the legion.

    PART 2:

    The Aegir pirates have always been a danger to the Arlorian coastline,but they spent their time drinking and fighting each other.This changed after Captain Bloodhammer united the pirates under one flag and attacked Windmoore Harbour.Of course,this means war,and you go to war.Again.
    After the attack,you journey to Paradise Pier,the capital city of the Kolga,who are sworn enemies of the Aegir.During the journey,you get attacked by Bloodhammer,and then you learn who you're dealing with.After you get there,you meet general Priska,commander of the Kolga and she gives you your first task:defeat Captain Fangtooth at Grog Beach.
    When you defeat him,you find a mailbag that says that Bloodhammer and Fangtooth somehow betrayed Captain Hately.
    You go there to find what's going on,and when you defeat Captain Hately,he says that he will have no rest until Fangtooth has paid for his betrayal.When he finds out about Fangtooth's death,Hately gives you the location of Bloodhammer's HQ: Skull Cove.
    After you defeat Bloodhammer,you find out that the artifact that allowed Bloodhammer to wreck havoc in The Kraken Isles is the Gleipnir.When you think of Gleipnir,you think of the 3 great heroes: Uller,Vili and Himingleva,and when you think of them, you think of Nordr.

    Surprisingly,Nordr is under attack,blah,blah, blah.You make your way to Stronghold and you meet King Erik who gives you your first task:Sound the Horn of Victory at Reaper's Pass (mount Spyr map).When you get there,you see that the battle is a complete disaster,and only 1 man manages to escape the onslaught.You sound the horn of victory,blah,blah,blah and you continue your way throughout Oltgar Keep to achieve complete victory over the frost.You find out that Grimnr,the last frost giant and the leader of the frost army had stolen a piece if the Gleipnir from Vili's tomb.
    You return to Stronghold,home of Uller's tomb and you retrieve a shard of the Gleipnir from the tomb.With all 3 pieces combined, you have the Glepinir in its full greatness.

    After your great victory over the frost and saving the Kingdom of Nordr from collapse,a misterious Nott (who gives me sometimes the creeps),Seer Hox creates a portal that leads to Shuyal,his homeworld.This is the same portal that the Nott built 100 years ago when they escaped from the almost Devoured land of Shuyal.The portal is called now "The Lost Gate".

    You walk through the portal, and you are given a hero's welcome by the Nott.Just kidding,you thought you are always gonna be welcomed as a hero, didn't you?
    Okay, back to the story.The Nott are scared and they don't know what to do.Elder Horrin (who is too pesimistic for his age IMO) doesn't want you here and begins to complain about opening the portal.At last,he gives you the first task:collect some kind of shadowmancer essence to see if the town's alchemist,Rowan, can find a way to transform the shadowmancers back to the Nott.

    Sppiler alert:it doesn't work.There is no way to turn them back.
    After this sad news,elder Horrin gives you a missikn to kill the Wraith heart,Ferrix and retrieve the Heart of the Forest frlmthe overgrowth.After this,you are given the mission of mission:to kill Darkness incarnate,Inan'Hesh.But for this,you have to go through the Undim Fields.Of course,you get through that aswell and you also kill Inan'hesh.
    NOW you are given a hero's welcome by the remaining Nott.

    I'm gonna do Part 3 and 4 tomorrow cause i'm tired as heck right now.
    Wow thanks for this ill look forward for part 3 and 4.
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    I'm just wondering where the pulsing floor and disco ball come in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuntrazeck View Post
    The story in AL is severely underdeveloped. Arlorians are basically a race of mercenaries who follow quests saying do this, do that, kill this, kill that.

    We actually invaded and subdued an island race of technologically primitive semi-humans, the Tindirin. We killed Jarl for no apparent reason. We killed bael because he killed Gustav (an eye for an eye), and failed to stop him opening a portal into the dead city. We killed Lord mardrom because we were told to do so. Then suddenly we ran over to the kraken isles to bully pirates who didn't do anything wrong...we killed their mutant leader, took their gold and ran away.

    Basically the whole story line follows that path...:/
    We invaded the Tindirin because of Tarlok.
    Jarl betrayed us and the citizens of Brackenridge for gold.
    We killed Bael because he corrupted the rooks and made them evil,thus nobody would get out alive of Ydra forest.
    We killed Lord Mardrom because if we wouldn't kill him,he would destroy everything.
    How the flying duck didn't the pirates do anything bad? Have you been to Windmoore harbour? Haven't you seen the corpses,the burning houses,the woman crying at the beggining of the map because she lost her sister? Well you rescue her when you defeat Bluecrab,but still!

    Also they aren't mutants.They're just fishes with legs.
    Last edited by Dimitrian; 11-02-2015 at 12:17 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimitrian View Post
    We invaded the Tindirin because of Tarlok.
    Jarl betrayed us and the citizens of Brackenridge for gold.
    We killed Bael because he corrupted the rooks and made them evil,thus nobody would get out alive of Ydra forest.
    We killed Lord Mardrom because if we wouldn't kill him,he will destroy everything.
    How the flying duck didn't the pirates do anything bad? Have you been to Windmoore harbour? Haven't you seen the corpses,the burning houses,the woman crying at the beggining of the map because she lost her sister? Well you rescue her when you defeat Bluecrab,but still!

    Also they aren't mutants.They're just fishes with legs.
    well said...:P

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    Quote Originally Posted by ilhanna View Post
    I'm just wondering where the pulsing floor and disco ball come in.
    I'm just wondering how is the king of the ORCS buried in the ruins of a GNOMISH city?!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimitrian View Post
    I'm just wondering how is the king of the ORCS buried in the ruins of a GNOMISH city?!
    How are dinosaur bones buried under human cities?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Befs View Post
    How are dinosaur bones buried under human cities?
    Hmm yeah maybe you are right...

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    And all that.

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  23. #18


    Wow awesome stories. I reading it and its so interesting! We can make a book from it together !


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    Ty you for response mates.....I am anakeobal just now created new account for fun xD

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    Hehe you guys missed a few parts where tarlok, ursoth and blood grub tried to take us down in between!

    One things for sure, when we got drunk on power of upgraded mythics, we decided to invade a rural Island. Slaughtering all the natives that worshipped the dragons including the Dragons! All in the name of obtaining the one ring that will rule them all! It consumed us for awhile, but now we're back on the path of good by helping rebuild towns and taking down the orc army (I think they just want our precious). We've taken them down and stripped their armor for our own use as well. Maybe another Planar relm will open up and we'll once again be drunk on new power! I sense an invasion and beat down!
    Last edited by Kakashis; 11-03-2015 at 09:26 AM.
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