Quote Originally Posted by Shackler View Post
Here are the things that AL needs and doesnt need:
1. Water Jewels. NO ONE uses them. They are the most useless things in this game.
2. Old gems. Birthday Party event made jewel market a bit better but we still need the old gems.
3. Warrior Buff. Warrior class supposed to be the Damage Dealer/Tanker class. But in AL its just a HEALING WALL. If there is no way to get kills with warrior class, then dummy farm should not be illegal.
4. Mage Debuff. Mages supposed to be the Healer class. Not tanker/rusher/damage dealer/killer/destroyer/bla bla bla bla....
5. Balances about the Drop Rates. There are mythic and legendary items used to craft new mythic glintstone set. Getting the mythic one from bosses is ok. But the drop rate's being as same as a common item is shamefull. And ofc making the mobs harder to kill than the boss and putting orc fangs in the mob loot table with arcane rarity...
6. Duel Arena. Rogues already had more advantage than other classes in AL. But letting them drop heal kits in this arena and use in the next round is giving em more advantage.
7. As i remember i read sth on forums called "new skill system" in 2013. Where is it?
Warriors are the damage dealer class and dummy farming should be illegal. Rip credibility

Quote Originally Posted by Devaux View Post
1. I totally agree. The amount of pvpers isn't even close to the ones who play pve which in some respect should be payed more attention to as far as ap and all that goes as the game grows as PL did. Also, maybe make some not available anymore. Yes. Make a few exclusive to those who played certain campaigns when they were first released.

2. No. No. And no. People like myself with a good amount of account alts would ultimately rule the events. Cause it's pretty easy to switch between toons while energy is crafting to farm more essence. And people who would be more likely to spend for the event would be less likely cause it wouldn't be nearly as difficult. Just the bigger picture really.

Would be nice though if the essence drop rates were slihtly increased or maybe a completely different style of farm-loot-craft style tickets all together would be nice as well. Something new, not necessarily easier just diferent.

5. I agree but as far as profitability goes on their end it'd be a no no. More crafting slots = less likely to use platinum. One positive thing on their end though is that they did decrease crafting time of the second socketed gem...which was a real pain in the butt a while back. Second sockets you'd have to basically wait a day lol But I'm used to it by now lol forever waiting on something within Arlor
Aps should not be exclusive