Quote Originally Posted by Candylicks View Post
Make sure that you all are spreading the word on the updated PvP rules. There are people who don't forum and don't line and make come helter skelter after you in PVP. So, give the new rules a couple days to trickle down to everyone before you rage on someone for breaking them. I am hearing many of you are really into PvP and that is great! Now you guys need to work on partying up with each other and helping to win matches. How about scheduling some friendly CTF with DM or Horror? Your officers can work on arranging that for you.

Also, be ready for an awesome farming contest to drop here soon. Your officers have been working hard to get this ready for everyone. Looks like great prizes, they have some great stuff saved to use.

Have a good week Enigmatic!
Awesome... like tatamatic said.. lead us