@Warmage: Yeah, I think a fully decked out set of individuals should be able to complete the zone down one person. I would pushback that it should ever be duoble though. I think at a bare minimum the most difficult zone with 3 mega geared people (best gear for their roles) should require one healer, one tank, and one dps. Otherwise you get a scenario where there's a small, select group of elite people who are able to keep gear prices high and control the economics of the gear market (when auction comes out). There will always be a group of people who are the best of the best, and that's ok...but I think it's important to make sure it doesn't become a caste type system, if that makes sense.

@Warmage & Sayishere: Really good point about 2h weapons. To clarify, I'm not against seeing DPS Warriors, so I like that approach. The fundamental point behind balance though is that as a correlation, the more dps a class/build provides the less armor they have (and the inverse). The last thing you want in an MMO in my opinion is a bunch of high dps/high armor people who don't ever need anyone's help.