Quote Originally Posted by geeman75 View Post
Ok got to be honest this buff didn't help that much cd way to long for one take an extra slot for 45 seconds and under perorms.

Tanks still loosing in vs end game and pve is just heh. Guild chat still filled with pt rogue. Enter certain elite maps u still get war out.
So tbh not much has changed.
I do appreciate the effort tho please keep looking for balance sts... :-)

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I think the adjustments are pretty good although I haven't had time to use jugg yet. I do agree with the ridiculous cd. I never used jugg before just for that reason. Maybe it's more for the PvP I don't know I'm not a PvP player but in pve it really sucks. Mages longest CD is I think 27 sec, rogues I think is 20 sec, might be mistaken but I think thats right and warriors 45. Why?