Quote Originally Posted by Kingofninjas View Post
Since STS is not commenting on any of the various threads about the arcane staff, I'll make a new one summarizing the issues. I hope they actually read it, and test it and give it a slight damage buff.

1) Charging the staff to proc it costs mana. It does say we are procing a new spell, so I understand that, but 6-7% is a bit excessive IMO.

2) Skill damage is significantly less than a same gemmed wisdom gun (80-90 less). Daggers were in a similar place, but got buffed.

3) The stat bonus of the arcane staff is less than that offered by the sword and daggers. Daggers get Int, dex, str, crit and hp. Sword gets int, str, crit, hp and mana (which is important for set tanks). Staff only gets 4 stats (int, str, crit, and hp) compared to daggers and swords 5. Some armor, or extra crit on the staff would be nice.

4) Unnaturally long charging time for a staff. Seeing as it is a dps weapon, it shouldn't take longer to charge than a gun. However, since the proc is so good, a longer charge time than the gun is understandable. I think reducing the charge time by .5 seconds should be enough to please most of us.

In conclusion, a slight damage buff (equivalent of roughly 60 skill damage), some stat and a slight reduction of charge time would be ideal. Also would be great if we could hear from devs whether the proc costing mana was intending, and if it was, why it costs so much mana.

After some testing, this is my opinion.
1. Im fine with the mana cost. 2. Yes, spell dmg is noticable lower then wisdom gun, but im not to upset with it, the extra spell kindof makes up for that.. 3.seems unfair, yes, some armor, abit more crit or heave dodge would be fair.. 4 chargetime is way to long, my ping beeing less then 200 and still way to long. On bosses we want to stay ranged, and auto attack with staff is useless on boss then, would be nice to manage one charged in between skills (use 4x dmg skills at all times).

Lowering charged time would pretty much fix this staff imo.
And a little bigger area of the spell would be nice, we are mages and standing on the tank is usually not the best place to be when fighting hard hitting foes..