Quote Originally Posted by Hassan Akbar View Post
Tbh i always thought my sorc was weak because i did not have good / endgame gear but 2 weeks ago i hit 1k damage on my sorc and 1.3k dps

So i decide to pvp and my god how sorc are usless in pvp

I really think sorc needs a buff
Comparing sorc to rogues, under ideal situations Sorc should have more damage as he uses mana where as rogues use discipline
However in AL end game rouges are tooo OP
Some one should really balance the game and or buff sorc to atleast make them compete with other classes if not be equal to them

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Quote Originally Posted by epicrrr View Post
Depends on how you play. Sorcs pretty OP

Maybe you're trying to play your mage like how a rog crit, or how a warrior tanks. I play rog and warrior 46 and I find mage shield OP enough to make me think twice.
Mage is OP and Mage is More Fun . Mage not need has big crit like rog and more hp like warr . We has shield to make hp still 80-100% , we has curse to hurt them , we has lightning to damage them with good damage and we has fireball to stun them .

U can be more OP mage if u has Nekro . Nekro give u second shield to let you can attack other class without worry about your hp . If u has nekro u must know when u can active your second shield .

Mage good for vs and clash . Gear up your mage and grab your nekro . Then go to any pvp room and ask them for 1v1 or join your guild for clash with other guild .

Have anything to ask? U can pm me here or ingame .

Ign : Destructivez

Sorry for my bad english .

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