Quote Originally Posted by Gouiwaa9000 View Post
Wait wait wait . Why nerf rogs ?( I am a mage for 3 years BTW ) Yes they will give a high crit after the expansion . There is not need to reduce their stas . But buffing other classes would be much better. Let the high crit for rogs play on your hand . why not add a 20% damage reflection on mage shield , and a 5% crit debuff ( stacks ) on warrior juggernaut ? Each tick will reduce crit of one nearby enemy by 5% and with mage shield reflecting damage , problem will be solved in no time .( considering the high HP of tanks and the upcoming 1.5% extra reduction from shield ( per point ) , surviving won't be a huge problem )
Agreed, i would nice to see damage reflect to a rogue when critical :') but its only last long 4second 2second when shield just active with ignore all damage so first second the damage wont relected after its gona reflect play for 2second at least a rogue or warrior took half damage on it nice opinion hihi i like it and agree to 5% reduce damage every tick