Quote Originally Posted by ilhanna View Post
2. Make running maps rewarding. The Planar Tombs is a good model for this. Back in the days, if you were lucky you could loot a weapon or chest, and if not, at least you get fragments and essences which you could use to buy Breeze egg to sell. It would be great to have this concept applied to every map (with low level players in mind) but especially for the elite maps.

To do this we need:
  • overhaul of the loot table (out with the old armors and helms, OK, we have new and better ones. Put in jewels, chance of elixir/ankh/key, chance of eggs previously only available during events or from special crates, etc)
  • balanced distribution of highly desirable items (if you put L56 mythic armor and weapon in locked crates, have the belt and helm drop from elite bosses, while ring and amulet can be crafted from farmed components)
  • overhaul of the token vendor inventories so people have new shiny things to buy with dragkin tooth, Rengol tokens, Underhul coins, Planar fragments, etc.
  • Put some sort of "Easter egg" loot on every map, something rare, a high value item, and noone knows what it is until they run the map and maybe get very lucky.

The idea is to make running every map--not just one or two of them--potentially lucrative. The idea is to make people want to kill elite bosses because the chests they drop may contain something really desirable, or even if you're not lucky, a token, a currency of some sort. The idea is to make people want to come in game and play in the maps even when there is no weekend or big event.

1. Make inventory more user-friendly. Once you get to people to run more maps they will run into inventory problems. So either:
  • Allow selection and deletion of multiple similar items instead of the tedious, time consuming, one-by-one liquidation
  • Allow loot picking filter (for example we can make pet ignore water jewels, commons and rares)
  • Create an inventory cleaning NPC to vacuum unwanted items at a click of a button
1000+ very2 great ideas