Quote Originally Posted by Shackler View Post
Well right. But here's a problem. Yes we gained more hp and damage. Only 600 hp that is not a huge thing. Yes we gained damage. But it didnt get doubled. Just increased, in stats.. A little.. I cant play because jugg gets broken. Im not whining because of the sword proc. It gets broken cuz level cap didnt increase our armor.. No mather how much hp or dmg i have when rogues can break my jugg easily. They didnt release any new "end-game" gear so i dont have any opportunity to increase my armor.

I've always been in pvp and always will be, so i can play with or without the sword.
That's an issue with gear progression, however. Rogues feel the same btw, since our armor got nerfed so bad, and only Munch Mouth can somehow make up for it. It isn't Rogue Legends, that I can tell you.