Quote Originally Posted by Binlaggin View Post
When the issue of class balance comes up, everyone wants to pretend like their specific class is under powered because they want to have an advantage. I play every class at a few different levels so I will try to give an unbiased opinion, since I'm not really partial to any specific class.

Tank: Right now tank rules pvp in both twink levels and end game levels. At end game, I feel that tank is extremely strong because if the arcane sword and axe set combination. However, I don't think it is correct for everyone to cry for a warrior nerf because if you take away those items, the tank is really not that strong. The juggernaut is once again very weak and it is breaking or at least unpredictable. The Arcane sword is excellent, true, but it is really nothing without the proc. When new weapons come out, hopefully sts learns a lesson from this item and doesn't repeat it. But, the sword should not mean nerf the class...it's just a weapon. In conclusion, buff juggernaut and don't make next weapon as strong (relative to other class weapons).

Mage: I think mage is fairly balanced (except weak at twink) at end game. Mage isn't the best at 1v1 but they are able to win some fights using various skills. In any kind of group or team fighting, mages are competitive. I kinda feel like mage has lost its mage(ness) since Nekro was released because they can no longer stun, freeze, root or anything like that. It used to be what mages relied on. Further, I feel that curse has lost its usefulness in pvp, when just a year or two ago, it was a very usefull skill in some situations. In conclusion, instead of an armor buff (as some suggest) I would like to see mages become mages again by being able to utilize their stuns, crowd control and bringing usefulness back to their skills such as curse or even clock root.

Rogue: This class was absolutely OP for many, many seasons at end game (at twink 2nd to tank in most levels). Rogue has become food for warriors lately because as soon as the nekro runs out, they become permanently stunned in lava and they die. Literally, a warrior can kill 2 rogues at a time. All you have to do is stand in a pool of lava and let your axe set pull multiple rogues into it. Since STS is going the anti-stun route with the incorporation of Nekro, they should increase the duration of razor. This would fix the stun issue and it would give rogues an increased duration for damage reduction, which would be especially useful now that armor is nerfed. In comparison to mages, I would say that rogues are still slightly more powerful in 1v1 and in TDM maps. In clash maybe mages are a bit better (because of mana) but a good rogue is still going to get more kills than any other class. In conclusion: increase duration of razor to help with damage reduction and to counter stun. Keep the 20% damage reduction in pvp. Perhaps do a 10% armor reduction instead of 20% to make rogues killable but not paper.
Mages are meant to be good in clashes than vs and thats what they are good at, u see most clashes are tanks and mages and in twinks id say its balanced since curse mage hurts real alot so theyd choose him in clashes.
Rogues are meant for single target means 1vs1 than 5vs5
Tanks are op in everything now but the problem is the sword and what people dont get is that if sts wants to make a new 56 weapon it will be better than sword in proc or stats or else tanks would choose to keep sword