Thank you for the warm welcomes Parasyte and Noobmigo, I have thoroughly read the enchantress guides, but there's a lot of questions I still have. Right now as of this moment, I've had a 28 Pure INT Mage, and a 23 DexBear. Neither of them have done what I should be able to do in a PvP arena. There are too many variables. I'm not asking for someones complete build, the best thing about this game is that there are so many things we can do to our characters to tweak them in different ways depending on what the opponent is doing. I just started another Enchantress character lvl 5 right now. I haven't put any stat points anywhere because I want the high DPS and damage, but don't want to get one hit by a dexbear like it was with my pure INT Mage because that was really annoying. There are a few people I've played with that have Pure INT mages and can just demolish Dexbears like they are nothing and with lower level. So there's just something I'm not getting about this whole thing.