Quote Originally Posted by Amsosorry View Post
Only way this game is is going to be balanced is that sts nerf korruption...now please listen...just listen i beg of...and i promise this will make it all clear...This pet (Korruption) AA nuffles heals which means "TANKS,WARRIORS" which are mainly know for surviving and taking dmg for your dps so you won't die as fast. Now how can we do that if there's a pet that cancels Warriors Juggernaut/heal what can we possibly do to stay alive???????????????????????? Oh i know how about tanks hide behind mages and let them absorb dmg for the team...till the pools run out hopefully he can last at least 10 seconds form 3k-10k criticals constantly being shot at he's 5k hp...tanks most likely won't be able to survive that with no heal over time to keep him alive would he?... Now my question is to you what would you suggest a warrior to do? I really would like to know...you must have a good answer since you said you don't see the problem here.
"Mainly known for surviving and taking damage"?

You've forgotten to add that since the inception of arcane sword,
Tanks are also well known for dealing an insane amount of dmg and making the kills.

"Till the pools run out hopefully ... Can last at least 10 seconds ... Most likely won't be able to survive."

You know that is the same exact concerns I have as a rogue being pulled into the lava pools spawned from a tank's arcane sword.
Wut is even funnier, should such a concern exist in the first place when going up against a class that is (I quote you) "mainly known for surviving and taking dmg for the team"?

So please forgive me if I'm not about to start a pity party for tanks. I say it is high time they finally got a taste of their own medicine concerning pools + dying in and as a result of it.

I'll additionally highlight why I brought up the issue of arcane sword and its relevance to the topic in my subsequent post.