Quote Originally Posted by Esus View Post
Pshhh, I had no problems coming up with my characters in game names at all...
In general, I agree with most of the sentiments in these responses, and I could certainly find a new name that I would have no problem using, but I just wonder how recently you guys picked your names. Things have gotten much more difficult recently. When I originally created my characters, I only had to try a name or 2 to get one that was not in use. Recently with the server merge, I had to rename my 2 primary characters. My Royce character is still a "-Fnord" because none of the names I have tried so far have worked, and I don't want to pick something that I will want to change since renames carry a luxury-item price tag. I think there may be a lot of people out there setting up extra accounts just to hog up names in the hopes of being able to profit off of them at some point. I also wonder how many characters are holding names, and belong to players who have long since deleted the app with no intention of ever returning. Will those names ever go back into circulation?