From the point of view of the PVE, I wanted skills that increase my survivability.

This could be done through improvements in skills Trap and Shadow veil.

In trap, snare significantly. Pets Ethyl and Titan make this work better. Even the event pets Slobber and Nilbog. The mastery of reducing the cooldown of 2 sec does not help much. The trap remains on the ground long enough to reload skill.

In Shadow veil, improving armor gain. Because of the elixir of doll the party wins 15% armor. Giving only 5% armor by rogue Skill. The same goes for using a Nekro or pet that 15% of damage. The gain with damage is 3% or 0%. It might be better to put the armor gain as the mastery of life warrior. Winning with increasing level.

A dev made a comment about the weapon proc make strong character, but he remains weak. In my opinion, what has kept alive rogues is the proc of arcane dagger and not your skills.

ps. not to talking to nerf anything.