Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
They didn't get their damage back in the sense that rogues still hit less than before. The only difference was they were the least affected on the stat page by the nerf. Rogues lose about 15% damage technically compared to warrior and sorcerer's 40%. However, that actually helped sorcerers and warrior out because it gave them more time to react to big damage and took away from the glass cannon aspect.

So in short, that rebalance didn't help at all for end game. I know, however, that it did help at twink level. Why? They got a damage buff! So, they did get the glass cannon aspect of them. Yes, rogues hit hard there but that's exactly why they have a role in PvP. If their damage can be out healed by a warrior and Mage stack then there's no point to having a rogue.
As far as I remember this global Nerf thing was applied as developer saw rogue as a greater threat to opposite rogue due to their one shot and high crit skill. If they give rogue more damage I doubt it will solve anything.

As far as twinks goes rogue survibality is more than endgame. Mage and warrior cannot one combo shieldless rogue imo.

Anyways I am done speaking for rogues favour. Thank you.