Quote Originally Posted by Zynzyn View Post
I was just reading this thread and found this post which does provide some clarity but I have questions. When you say that if you are a level lower then the enemy will hit harder - what exactly is harder?

Does harder mean that suppose an enemy does X amount of dmg on a player of equal level, would that enemy deal X+Y amount of damage on a player who is a level lower just because of the level difference despite the player's armor stats?

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I assume this applies to PVP as well? If so, what is the reasoning for damage dealt/reduced in PVP to be based on level modifiers AND armor stats? Why do we need level adjustments?
The interlevel damage modifier is most likely a percentage system like the armor stat. An enemy that is 5 levels below probably has their damage output cut by 10% or so against the player. In reality this helps to simplify and compensate scaling without having to sporadically increase our actual stats causing a complex balance issue between each other. Combining this with our armor scaling explains why enemies that are several levels below us do not apply damage. It's like a baby punching John Cena.