Quote Originally Posted by Breakingbadxx View Post
Increasing the range of ranged rogue skills won't reduce their fragility. It just means they will no longer be forced to stay in the front lines of battle as they do now due to their currently short range.

They aren't mages and can't cast a 2 second invulnerability and 65% damage reduction shield when they feel threatened. They must also actually pick up their packs to get healed as they don't get an instant burst of heal when they want.

They need their distance to survive, just like any other bow (skill) wielding class in any mmorpg.
Its true rogues aren't mages so their survival should not exceed as mages have.

I have to tell again that arcane shield doesn't grant 65% damage reduction. Charged shield provide 55%, also we cannot pop it all the the time as it has longer CD.

On the topic I agree that longer range may help rogues to survive. Its a nice idea as it doesn't break the glass aspect of rogues.
Also I am always supporting giving little more damage reduction to rogues in tdm/ctf map but not in duel arena as it may break the current duel balance we have.