Hey folks, quick bounce today to remove Egg-Zavier from the game.
He was awesome, and gave out sooooooooo many free eggs, but the egg economy is starting to strain and we need to remove him so it can begin to recover.
Due to several requests, we will keep the wandering egg vendors in the game until Thursday. The amount of eggs flowing in to the economy from these guys is negligible, and we know there are some collectors who would like to round out their stables.
I'd like to address the duration of this event as well. I was somewhat ambiguous about it, and one of our designers stated that it was planned for a week, thus indicating to you guys that it would be happening for a full week.
My intention was for us to look at the egg economy on Monday and make the call.
In all things, the needs of the game will trump any planned roadmap.
In this case, the needs of the game indicate we should cut off the flow of free eggs at this time.
I apologize to those of you who had planned on farming Egg-Zavier for the next couple of days, and I hope you understand our reasoning for taking him out of the game.
I also hope you guys enjoyed the free egg event, it certainly was fun on this side!
- g