Wow iatoz is so funny. He gets roasted so much over here, so he decided to check in his archived files if he could find a screenshot/video where he actually won 1 time? Hahaha... You are a joke man. You share a vs against a lv 13 rogue, wow you are so pro. Why don't you show the screenshots of our fights 1 v 1? Or better yet, why don't you share any information about the past week? You don't have to dive that deep in your archived file then. And the screenshot of Outward, lol! Have you seen his stats? That guy is almost walking naked around and you are happy that you killed him? Why don't you share the screenshots of a few mins later as well, where you block us and we still beat those 14-15s in a 3 v 4? You are so frustrated that you need to block us even against other guilds. You actually also fail with that, since we won 20-0. It is just so funny to see your frustration, while you tried to trash.

You mentioned that you play this game for fun, right? What is your definition of fun, since you started trashing our guild from the moment we entered to this bracket. So you actually ask on the forum if people can come to lv 13-14 zone for some fun clashes, but when new people arrive you start all c000cky when people don't even have the gears or people yet to do a proper clash. And look now... We are still bad geared compared to your top members, but we beat you already. So what is your definition of 'fun'?Do you have FUN with losing from bad geared people?

Now you complain about us using 1x lv 15 in a CTF clash, when you clearly new at the start that he was 15. Yet you complain about it after defeat, that just makes you a sore loser. Better yet, check their gears... Our both tanks have bad gear and not even keys. Outwards even got scammed yesterday and lost all gear, so we gave him just some cheap gears so he can at least clash. If you compare the total stats, you should just be ashamed. I normally don't like to roast people like this, but you really deserve it for your big mouth. Good to mention: We accepted your request to clash even though we didn't had our line up ready, since you bailed out 3 hours earlier at the fixed time. The outcome was still the same: Air beats Kronos.

@Epicrrr: If you have no added value to this conversation then better don't speak. You clearly have some eye-problems since all prove has been shared in screenshots above, where you can see how scared your GM was at the fixed time for clash. And now you say that we are 3 hours late? We even PM with all different members, in case he had one of us on ignore list. I can imagine that he ignores us, since all his words are getting back-fired times 100.

IGN - Gang (Xblinky)