Id like to be as short as a leaver could be. I just wanted to thank you STG for your hard work in this game.
I really liked your game, sometimes i even bought plats. Ive spent way too much time playing this game day by day. And my "hard work" of grinding seemed paying off.
BUT now, when i checked the auc, i just realised that all of my arcanes has been lost more than 60% in their price value. Its just enough for me. Not because the price drop. Its because the short term of the items circulation in the economy. How old are these items? Maybe 2-3 months old?
I just wanted to say thank you STG. Also, good luck for all of the huge amount of leftover palyers.
Its really my time to move on for better things, im sure. Have a nice day with the best whishes!
P.s.: im selling out all of my ig stuff, ill make a a post in traders market soon. Check it out, you could get your hands on some good stuff. When its done, ill do a giveaway. Stay tuned!