Helli can i get dev confirmation on this,
R these 100k meant to be only dailies in new epxansion or the other dailies like sotry tokens, shuyal, nordr, kraken dailies etc etc, do they count too? Or just the expansion one
Helli can i get dev confirmation on this,
R these 100k meant to be only dailies in new epxansion or the other dailies like sotry tokens, shuyal, nordr, kraken dailies etc etc, do they count too? Or just the expansion one
Only the dailies tied to Somberholt
Is there actually dailies giving you 100k gold? If so, where and how hard? More info' thanks
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But thats a comunity goal! Right?
I'm still only getting 1 daily, same with you guys?
Last edited by Abuze; 10-14-2016 at 07:23 AM.
I got new dailies once I got Advocate rank
Arcane Legends - hiatus-mode-ON
| Pandaxxo Lvl. 76 Mage | Koalaxxo HC Rogue | Redpandaxxo / Kittyaxxo Lvl.10 Rogue |
u get the 0/16 quest after u are done with the Altar quest
I value power, ambition, and DARKNESSProud member of < Elite Runners >