@Yelderbroz I'm strictly PVE also. I use Singe Happy Bonus as base in all pets, atm still testing different Max Passive/AA's, I feel like these 2 variables is best left to the persons play style. In the Guide Thread: Pet System it shows all Max Passives/Happy Bonus/AA's besides new Halloween Pets, Dragon Symia, and Arcane Worm Glow Stick, that's a good place to check out. If you have 2.5m to spend then buy Nekro hes the best overall pet. I walk around base 924 Strength/ 11.3K HP/ 5.8k Armor. Expansion Map with Cryo Buff+ Orc Effingy+ Rank buff: 11.5K HP/6.7k Armor. There is about less than 10 tanks currently walking around with the ratio of Strength/HP/Armor like that. So take my post how you want to. I'm not listing my stats to brag, I'm just always looking at other tank stats. Observing the range of stats from the Elite/Veteran's to the not so Elite helps me determine what Gems,Weps,Armor, and etc I should be using as well as what range my stats should be in. I'm always calculating things lol "Shifty Eyes".

Happy Bonus Tank wise: MM Happy gives 228 Armor(3.6% Damage Reduction) v.s Singe Happy which is 270 HP(250 HP+2 Strength) + 4% Damage Reduction. Only thing MM really adds is 3% more damage and 8.5% crit, but from a tanking aspect is that really going to keep you alive? I seen MM AA in action, is it good sure. Lol that is the only thing I will agree on about that pet but I would rather slot Magma's AA. On top of that MM Max Passive is 10% Armor Reduction 30% Speed Reduction IMO Arcane wise one of the worst Max Passives. For the price of what he cost pre/post Eggxaviar(2.5m-10m): A waste of gold, and I'm going to throw in overhyped. When I see people suggesting MM the best pet for tank from a tanking perspective, as well using him ingame as a base pet I just be like...

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