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Even without aegis, tanks are required in new elite maps. If the difficulty decreases so that a tank is no longer required then the DPS classes usually end up making sure there's nothing left of value to farm in those maps.
Just look at the leaderboard. Half of the times are with warriors in it so obviously they have a use.
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Tank is for holding aggro and keeping party alive. I don't see point in buffing damage of warrior. If this happen, rogues and mages won't be needed. I seen already tanks with 1.2k damage 11k hp. Isn't it insane enough? Every class have their role in game. Deal with it or swap class. Don't get me rude here but it's just true. If tank know what do to it gonna be more helpful than you think. And if you think tanks have too less damage then ask Oez for show you his time in solo run of planar tombs 2 and 3. You'll be surprised.
No need really to get rude but understand that a tank can also have damage say 1100 with health 6 to 7000, what is wrong with that if he wants to play an event map just like others.
Also regarding your second point let that decorated tank of yours use the new arcane weapons use a legendary pet and solo planar tomb 2 and tell his times.
Also the discussion here is not about running tombs2 it is about running normal, easier event maps.
Also we not asking for buffs! We just want option to change to a damage class on sarcificing health and armor.
We want skills with capable of dealing more damage.
Not true nekro and dragon blades work nicely
That can be easily done, jst delete ur tank nd switch to rogue or mage. Tank r supposed to deal less dmg nd keep more aggro. Thats how this game was originally built nd u want to change it .-.
Tanks already have OP stats atm as resurrected said. Seen alot of them with 9.5k+ hp 1.1k dmg nd 5.7k+ armor.
Maybe low lvl graveyard map dont need tank much atm. Bt as new dungeon r released tank will be needed alot similar to underhul elite jadis map. So have patience
This is the exact thinking that will make warriors useless once the aegis damage proc output gets outdated as better more high powered weapons come out for dps classes. It kinda sucks to be honest as a warrior to not find any new weapons useful for pve and keep on depending on the old tired aegis for pve. If I did not use aegis and magma combined to be honest I am very useless in PVE currently in the new content especially with the caliber of dps players i run with. Zeus you know who they are and frankly they don't really need me if they have one good mage and all rogues in the party. Those runs are faster without me even with my mythic aegis usage. Curse mage mobs in new maps one hit all members of party regardless (including me with 6000 armor) so i ain't protecting anyone. The armor increase for mages and rogues with the new gear are pretty aggressive which makes them very tankable against most mobs and bosses. In fact mages have found a revival in usefulness in the new expansion because the new gear has advanced their damage to a point that there AOE skills along with the new high damage weapons have made there mob clearance faster than warrior with aegis. In addition their shield and along with their higher armor has allowed them to be the tank for the party.
Currently the aegis damage output curve has already leveled off making us barely useful for killing mobs in running maps. Once newer weapons come out that have very high damage output for the dps class (rogues and mages) then the aegis will be left in the dust. Then what are warriors to use to be useful in pve? Our skills and buffs aren't needed in pve. What will we do then? Yes you may say well warriors will have new weapons with higher damage as well. But look how much the new weapons (legendary) for warriors which have much higher damage does nothing for the warrior in pve. Why? because the warrior skill mechanics and natural skill damage output pales in comparison to mages and rogues. Therefore, even with new high damage weapons (legendary claymore weapons) we are still useless and depend on our mythic aegis proc.
Everyone harps on a tank should be tanking and must understand their role. I get that. I totally understand that. I totally agree with that. But there is nothing to tank in the new content. Nothing.......So why do they need us once mythic aegis is outdated?
I am not asking for increasing the damage of warriors but asking for there to be a reason for us warriors to be needed. Make it necessary for our tankyness to be required in parties. Make rogues and mages die left and right if they don't have us in a party. Currently this is not the case.
Last edited by Midievalmodel; 10-27-2016 at 04:50 PM.
I like playing a tank, I haven't tried any other classes. I do not get left out of parties. I enjoy running right into the middle of the biggest mob possible, dropping all the aggro skills that I can, watching mages drop nuclear warheads on top of me, and rogues sniping the living daylights out of baddies!
I'm running with 11k health, 6k armor and 1200 dps and that's with dragon sword. More importantly I'm having fun and I'm hoping I'm a good guild mate, party member, and it's obvious that I'm trying to have fun.
Of course I want better stats, the best gear, and one-hit kills, who doesn't!? It's not the end of the world though.
Can't we all just get along?! 😜
True is, i prefer running with a tank. All maps if can. And yes, some tanks know their Jobs. With this tanks running is fine. All dmg is nothing if the Team not work together and every one do his job. The best tanks i know have not the best dmg in game. But they keep me alive when we fight and thats what i really like. If i can choose ucamaeban vor tank with more dmg i will ever choose ucam. Cause know what he doing. And all guildies are happy to have him in Team when cry for help. Btw, we often run with two tanks and its no Problem. I cant nothing say about pvp but in maps a Team should work together. Then is no need for more buffs. Imo tanks now good geared and have enough dmg.
I think we are a bit too early in the expansion to judge. We did not dive too deep in the dungeons yet, and so far skilled teams can manage to run without tanks. I have my doubts this will stay this way once the mobs get scaled up. And remember: everyone *will* need balance tokens and bosses will drop up to 9 in deepest level.
My hipe is of course that in the course we will get rid of the aegis as a sole justification for tanks in parties.
For those wanting to run event or boss focussed maps, try the duskbringer claymore with haste set and vengeful blood. Sts actually did something good for tanks here.
That being said: Give us something dang hard to tank deep down in the mausoleum!
These are my stats with the dusk claymore with active vengeful blood skill and house buffs, but no lix or other pet buffs active. And 30% of damage are still missing because of the display bug. To all Warriors that want more damage: come out of the closet and be the squishy you always wanted to be!
Last edited by Ardbeg; 10-28-2016 at 04:16 PM.
4000 armor? No ty. The damage of the warrior does not reflect in real play. Rogues and mages will always do huge amounts of damage no matter the weapon they are using. The only thing that change is the play style. Warriors don't make faster kills with a two-handed weapon. Try running solo elite planar tombs with your two-handed weapon and your sword and shield. You will not see any difference in time, you might die even more with a two-handed weapon. So the damage in the character screen is just a cosmetic number. Even in the boss fight it doesn't do a lot more damage than a sword and shield. An this apply for every map. Developers should take a look into this.
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It is a tradeoff of course. And it is not a cosmetic number as the skill damage of skyward smash shows. It is intended to make the warrior more rogueish in certain situations (like events) by swapping armor for damage. The damage is real. The armor loss also. Choices!
Ardbeg is correct in that the deeper levels of the Mausoleum is where this is designed to become relevant. Think of the currently accessible Mausoleum levels as 'normal mode", and floors 4+ as starting to get into "elite mode". Until that is avaialble, the addition of a tradeoff weapon allows Warriors to still farm their rank within the Order and solo mroe reasonably as they do so until a time comes when they are needed again as a tank.
Is more damage of course but with the longest cooldows of the warriors skills it doesn't reflect a huge damage output in real play unfortunately. So in the end the high damage is a waste in comparison with the huge armor of the warrior class. I think developers are managing this with the use of helpful procs on mythic/arcane weapons only wich we will have to see in play in the near future.
From my experience it is a huge difference on bosses but can t reach the aegis on mobs. As it should be. I use ss, axe, vb and hor and i can tear apart bosses with this setup for a huge impact of time (pet mm with magma aa). The overall time might not be impacted, but boss time is indeed.
You should consider the overall time only. On easy/event bosses might be but on hard elite/mausoleum bosses I doubt it completely and will make a few seconds difference not minutes difference another reason why most of the tanks won't feel the change of weapon. Also you should add the harder playability you will have with your two-handed weapon on this maps and bosses with your low armor. In these cases the damage is made by the other classes most of the time leaving the roll of healer/"tanking" to warriors. I often see warrior chaging weapons on the course of the map and tbh does't change anything. You don't feel it when you play. The only real feel is the durability always. With the dusk aegis proc the mages curse mobs dont kill you in one or two hits wich is good. I just hope a real change in the feel way when you play with this new content. Now we will have explicit roles as attacker and defender.
The claymore is for bosses, and the aegis (myth) is for mobs. I love the new aegis, but aside from a pure luck setup it is not needed in current stage imho. I agree with you, the overall time is what counts, so why stretch it by limiting to only one weapon? Especially since the claymore is dang cheap. So far the maps are not very hard, and the mage course can be avoided with team work (no matter wether with or without tank or which weapons are used). All i am saying is, it is not too bad, tanks have options to go a bit more rogueish, and maps are not scaled to make tanks necessary yet. Everything else depends on playstyle and party. Where i disagree is that the damage of the dusk claymore doesn't make a difference on bosses.
its suks when 3 warriors meet at mausoleum.boss fights is like scratching the surface of a rock with bare hands. Umbal mass vs warrior is never ending.
Last edited by supersyan; 10-28-2016 at 08:53 PM.