Quote Originally Posted by Ckc Chen View Post
Lets be honest, the reason such gameplay tactics are introduced is to keep fellow Alorians away from the usual fast and then bored gameplay. But, I think it has backfired, I dont think that most player will even reach beyond acolyte. Like we live in reality, we dont have time for the game that requires tons of farming and so. Not to mention that the new store is bad, the countdown and items remaining in stock. Isn't the items for a limited time, what do you mean by limited? Forever? Take a look at those vanity... the bundles, they are still the cryo versions. Do something about it. Update them. PLEASE.
Point is it involves huge effort what everyone may not be able or want to do if someone do there is also a chance of epic waste like antiginome set. In general no one will want play a map to become stronger in the same map.