Quote Originally Posted by Zeiryan View Post
Ignited, I agree with much of what you said. I hardly ever hear of anyone whining in-game or elsewhere about 71 elites. Some people see my old vanities and such and ask where I got them and say they hope they'll have the chance one day to get something like them, but that's the end of it. They don't carry on and they don't demand STS bring them back. We are no longer in the 70s as far as character caps go. You now have the elite rings and the new special elite items, some of which are pretty OP. Who knows, maybe one day STS will boost the cap to 81, 85, etc. and some of those items will be discontinued. For Golem, would you still feel the same then? Would you advocate that newer players get what you worked hard to get during the 80 cap campaign? The others are right, there has to be some kind of division amongst players so everyone doesn't look the same and doesn't have the same stuff. Maybe you should ask yourself what is the REAL reason you want black drag and 71 elites brought back. Is it because you think they look "cool?" Because aside from the procs like the EWT gives, what's the point of actually playing with them in the higher dungeons? Are appearances that important, or should practicality weigh in? Even if black drag was returned to the game, I can guarantee ability to craft a 3pc and combine with that black drag ring would not be restored, so if that's a reason you wanted it, it shouldn't be. In any event, for a game that was not supposed to be updated again, Cinco sure has gone out of his way to ensure that he gives us new content and some events. So, why not be happy with what they've done thus far, rather than continually asking for more more more? There might be one day in the future when they implement another limited-time event with a special dragon/dragon set as a bonus, who knows! You know, we just had a Halloween Event where players could get new re-colored vanities and purchase permanent costumes. Guess what?! The newer players coming in won't have that stuff, and even if STS recycles the events next year, the items likely won't be exactly the same. So there ya' go - you have something that can set you apart from the new players!

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Please bring them to paragraphs because you always have a strong point of view and talk (or better term would be write) great but it is seriously hard to read that all in one paragraph, seriously...

Also to golem when you mentioned "than continually asking more and more and more?", i shouldn't say this but playing AL did made him think PL is AL, the official PL players who didn't played AL or atleast didn't played it as a main never expected an update back in 2014, and totally opposite to it if at that time anyone would ask or suggest for an update the whole community would turn over that guy quote it, gives the link or just "scold" him that THERE WILL BE NO UPDATES (which surprisingly doesn't happens now). After getting no update in 2015 no one expected this update, stop asking for more updates.... they already updated even after saying no....

Its like a daddy refusing his child to buy a chocolate for him but then buys it when he sees his son sad face..... but you won't get more of them, the dad was firm, is firm and will be firm in his decision, it's just the love in him for his child which make him change his decision a little bit, but not totally, you gotta understand it because apparently a child who cries for more and more chocolate is not elder then 4 obviously(sorry golem, i just want you to understand it, understand the truth, i have no intentions of calling you a "kid") so just stop it, accept the truth, and just thank them that they are still updating this game, i would say this is THE CHOSEN ONE, otherwise not only PL was neglected, SL, DL, and those other two games(which i don't know the name) were also neglected and in this present day, they are literally gone, if STS is again and again reviving this game, be thankful, don't ask for more..