Quote Originally Posted by VROOMIGoRealFast View Post
Unfortunately no. The inability to skip to floors of the Mausoleum is intended. In previous expansions when players had access to multiple zones they only ran the single zone that provided the easiest rewards. In the last expansion we saw this with rewards from Underhul 1 vs Underhul 2 and 3. The drop rates for rewards were the same, but a huge majority of players were solely running Underhul 1, which caused a scarcity on the other rewards. This could not even be adjusted with a higher drop rate because an increased drop rate would flood the market once players decided to run the zones.

This had also made it difficult to find players to party with, if you were not running the one zone everyone wanted to flood into (Try finding a group for KM2 instead of KM3). With the Mausoleum, all players who want to reach floors 3, 4, and 5 will have to progress through Floors 1 and 2 which will help speed up parties going through 1 and 2 as more powerful players will be joining them and helping them progress.

We expect for the Mausoleum's furthest depths to be occupied by our strongest and most coordinated players. The greatest rewards should require the greatest work/effort. While players may feel the difficulty is high at the moment, there are pieces of the expansion that haven't been unlocked, including the Mythic Weapons, and the Voice of the Order Set. These are all going to make players stronger and will diminish the difficulty you face in lower levels of the Mausoleum. With the high rewards, if players were able to skip right to the later floors, the market would become flooded (How long it takes to get an item is a big factor in its market value), and the better geared players would create a bigger gap between themselves and the lesser geared players.
can you maybe post
*pick of full set
*if allowed how this set is obtained
mostly the picture tho pleas sounds like a cool set sorry if u have already posted pictures before