Quote Originally Posted by Hullukko View Post
Think of a change you just couldn't accept. Imagine they did it anyway.

For a free game? Sure. But I've paid good money for this one. I don't think it's fair to jolt it into something different that I really can't bear. This was no minor tweak.

It's within their legal right to do what they want with their game. The plat buying system allows them to do what ever they want in that regard, but it doesn't make it right.
I understand, that's why I didn't mean it to sound blunt or rude.

Change is just inevitable in any aspect, and it's not like the devs are changing for their benefit only. They've said its for the health of the game in the long-term, which ultimately means it's good for us.

We have our own opinions, different views and tolerance so I think we can leave it at (in Mystical's words) agreeing that we disagree.

Quote Originally Posted by Luchta View Post
I'm not sure. Possibly 1 second give or take. But all I did was try your method. With pre-GCD on an iphone, I could feel the full burst was faster or registers much better compared with my android.
Uh-oh, device differences?