Quote Originally Posted by Blayzn View Post
I must say it is really, really rewarding to see such active and involved devs. Kudos. I tried a PP run while on a coffee break (i.e. not much time, want to accomplish something, needing fast paced action fix) with my lvl 52 mage, solo. I died on Anubis (forgive my spelling)

I still do not like GCD.

BUT, it is better. Much. I am even be willing to readjust my expectations of what I am looking for and how to play. With a few more tweaks, and some time to try and play with a group, I will know more.

Here are my general suggestions:
1. Fix XP -- there have been several very good suggestions on granting more given the length of time, etc. I have one to add for typically solo players. Let us earn XP (albeit very reduced) in areas that we can solo (and which are now more challenging). For me that would be in AO2.

2. Fix buff, debuff, elixir timers to compensate for the reduced time it takes to get through a map. Again, there have been some really good suggestions.

3. Drop rates, weapon damage, etc. All very good suggestions and relevant to the length of time it takes to get through a map.

Overall, I sadly thought I was done. I can't express how happy I am that we are moving in the right direction and that the Devs are trying so hard.

But, for the record... I still don't like GCD.

they cant get rid of GCD b/c some platforms allow you to hit all of your buttons at the same time and have all your skills released at the same time. GCD was implemented so you can only use 1 skill at a time, which is the way the skills were designed to be used. you gain more xp by playing in full groups (of 5), which makes sense b/c PL wants to encourage ppl to play w other ppl as opposed to riding solo.