Quote Originally Posted by Coolaid90 View Post
Your point is wrong in so many ways. First, endgame requires less skill than low lvl PvP. Endgame is the ONE WHERE YOU ACTUALLY JUST MASH 3 BUTTONS. For low lvl PvP you actually need strategy and you need to know your ranges very well. There are way more rushers in endgame than low lvl PvP. I'm not being melodramatic I'm being honest and telling the truth. Don't cry about it because you don't want the PvP level cap to go back to original.
In case it wasn't clear, I play endgame. That means that the level window at 1 would be fine, the level window at 2 would be fine, the level window at 5 would be fine. My point is that it is arbitrary to me because lower lv PvP doesn't affect me and I don't care about the people who PvP there. They are childish and quite simply egotistical (I'm not hypocritical ofc XD). No offense, but I thought it was obvious that I was referencing how many skills you have unlocked. At level 10, you don't even have half the abilities at your disposal. That was my point, at endgame, you obvious have all of them allowing for greater diversity in play.

The idea that low lv PvP takes skill is honestly a joke. In fact, the idea that PvP exists at low levels is pretty ridiculous. Tapping the same 3 buttons in succession while hoping the enemy has less superior gear is pretty lame. In fact, I would call it downright anti-fun. I think it is safe to say that you have opted for the "not bothering to log on" route. I am sorry for you.