I comstantly tell ppl in game not to use the bliz stick. People listen to me bc I have so many pve kills and pvp kills (over 9000) One time I forgot I was using my low level bird and tried to help someone. They cussed me out, called me a noob said I didnt't know anything and ignored me. Wouldn't of happened if I was on my 55.
In short the blizz stick is a terrible weapon. Dps does not mean anything. Ppl are disillusioned by that amd fooled into thinking it is a great find , "why aren't others using it, it's cheap amd strong."Wrong!! Your spell damage does 90% of the damage, maybe less now bc of gcd so 75% I would say and it is based on the weapons spell damage. Meaning the higher the da,age of weapin, not dps, the stronger the spells. For ex. Keeper staff is slow but does a lot of single hit damage per strike, the spell damage carries over from the actual weapin damage doing,higher spells like fire. Another thing, enemies have armor. I've seen bliz stick users in catacombs, they do 4-20 damage at max to trash heap. Might as well not be there. Seeing as enemies have armor! So u are hitting twice as fast so 8-40 per second. Well I'm doing 80-150 w a staff per second.
Friends don't let friends use blizz sticks.