Quote Originally Posted by MidasMint View Post
no...this is wrong you know how much gold needs to be spent on good awaken ? its easy to spend 1m and run into someone max gear its gg.basically low lvl has become a slap box contest

lvl 10-19 doesnt have that many good awaken anything ...so its pretty much a waste of gold

if team A has max armor and team B has max armor no one will win

if team A has max armor and team B doesnt . in thoery team A will always win

o yeah


for the noobs that will say o its impossible.

this is theory

arcane weap /600 armor awaken
speed set complete /900 armor awaken
belt/ 450 armor awaken
dreambot/ 450 armor

thats 2400 armor awaken with pet

and we didnt add helm or chest armor.....or diamonds so keep that in mind.

why would you add diamonds? example shhh.

it might be impossible to get that but whats possible then ?

arcane weap /300 armor awaken
speed set complete /600 armor awaken
no belt/ its not needed
dreambot/ 450 armor

1,350 armor awaken with pet
with belt thats 1,650 armor

keep in mind at this point everyones damage is to low to effect each other

what if you have 1.3k 1.4k armor + stats ? tbh you wont even make a dent still its pretty much dumb

infact rogues can abuse the options they have because of their damage and crit .
but! if a rogue was maxed armor.the rogue will never lose if everything is below him or her .
if the others cant afford awaken its gg.

if a rogue has 1.8k armor vs a rogue with 1.5k armor the rogue with 1.8k armor wins. if they had the same armor it depends on gems or jewels

but if a war with 1.8k armor vs a war with 1.8k armor no heal but jugg lol no one wins its basically endless if you want to spend 30mins fighting

mage vs mage its endless

mage vs rogue ...the rogue would have to be dumb for the mage to win

but what if both have high armor .it will be endless rogue will run out of mana then its just packs you spam lol

like...its pretty stupid and they legit planned this before it happened

and alot of us figured out to late and spent millions ...when i figured it out i quit low lvl .

awaken was designed to kill off low lvl

thats why they did the pvp adjustments to figure out exactly what would awaken do to pvp at all lvls before releasing it. they couldnt have awaken effect end game and guess what ! awaken doesnt effect end game as much as it effects low lvl so

this whole topic bring back lvl 19 it wont happen

end game has more opportunity because everyone is there so more people awaken items

low lvl doesnt

Ok, I get what you've said.
But I will keep pushing our al community towards this goal.
I was just walking around at paradise pier, I saw a lvl 19 rogue, we had an intriguing discussion about this whole 19 idea.
He/she pointed out that we won't be able to kill each other at all.
I ofc spoke against her/his claim.
And he/she decided to show me that I was wrong,
We went to tdm and we tried to vs!
We had common weapon,armor,helm!
It was perfect, and it was a 1 vs 1, warr vs rogue.
Imagine the joy of 4vs4?