Quote Originally Posted by Shonex View Post
I kinda expected this to happen, just didn't know it will be to this extent and I have mixed feelings about it.

First of all, most of the items I worked hard for and treasured dearly are now reduced to being thrown around for undefined amounts of cash. Arbiter pieces that symbolized how devoted a player was to the game and how old he is (game-wise) are now stripped of their meaning. It was not a pleasant sight to see, but something that was bound to happen. I wished in the past to be able to own the arbiter helm, but now, it has kinda lost it's meaning for me.

Second of all, you can get everything now, there are no limits, this has given another element to this formerly, kinda empty game. Players rushed to the server to see what's up and that above all other things, started massive merching and people getting happy over owning stuff they couldn't have dreamed of owning. So because of all this, it makes me happy to see people enjoying their new items. *Finally you can complete the set Octavos *

I expected that SL would follow in the footsteps of PL, but I just didn't expect to kinda feel disappointed about it all. I guess time will tell.

Thank you for the update! Best of wishes to you and your team Cinco, appreciate the work and devotion you put into your games!
I completely agree with you