Quote Originally Posted by Superswice View Post
I, myself is a collector and I don't have problems or any issues about bringing back the old winter items like toy, tinsel, etc. as long as it would make low level pvp alive again. The only reason why people doesn't do low level pvp anymore is that there are players who are op in terms of their items like for example they get discourage since it's not balance like even though candle has same stats with toy, the toy has a proc that could stun the enemy which is very op and that other new players can not enjoy pvp. Instead they either get bored, farm, or quit. Additionally, some collectors had mostly retired and quitted the game and some are banned which would make it pretty much expensive to buy such items for the new players who just wants to enjoy playing the game especially now that most people are being greedy like selling the L25 pink toy for 250m like come on man! It's not practical well I am not excuse since I am also selling most of my collections for such prices. Moreover, I don't like the idea of remaking speed sets for winter since it is useless, it doesn't even have enough damage. Furthermore, I would be delighted to see new items and vanities this coming winter which are not a remake or a remade of any winter items from the previous winter events like the flare gun idea is a must have item which should be implemented or created. Overall, the decision is still up to the Spacetime Studios Team and I, myself does not actually expecting anything from them since most of them had already abandoned PL. So, I suggest don't get your hopes up folks and just play AL ����
Candle also stuns. Cutter freezes while peppermint pounder stuns and freezes. They all have same stats and proc it's just the fact toyman is a one time thing while candle comes back every year.