1) Items essential for player's progression, to play the designed content should be available as a drop or as a craft. I know the idea is already present but the rng to get the items or the crafting material is very poor, kindly work on a way to make it easy for players to gear-up to the corresponding level till they reach end game. The players can then work their way to the desired gears by doing the end game content. I am saying this because the current method of gear-up is simply buying it from auction, which is mostly sold by the end game players who are rerunning the lower level content with better gears. Which makes me think that its easy to get the items dropped from bosses if you are over powered, which in-turn makes the item only good to be sold.

2) Change the loots with maps. Again, the idea is already there but needs a little tuning. For example the drops are different from boss to boss, normal to elite. But it will be better if the mobs drop different items in different elite maps. Gives some bonus and an extra reason for players to grind. Add endgame crafting items or loots to the existing maps and bosses, accessible only once you reach level cap; it will give end game players a reason to run low level normal/elite content. If the normal maps drop items upto legendary, the elites should drop mythic and may be.. Heroic

3) Please make more end game content so players look forward to get to the level cap. Also, don't make it a months worth of work to reach end game. Having said that, please don't make it as easy as it is to reach Level 40 right now, seriously I can reach level 40 in like 3 hours with only story quests between Backenbridge to Nordr/Shuyal, without touching Kraken. So when I go back to kraken, I am in a no xp zone because my level is higher than the area level. May be you need to look into the distribution of the xp area wise.

4) The biggest request I have is to make PVP balanced, player vs player should be about skills more than gear.

5) This is my personal opinion, but I see people are more focused on farming gold then playing the content and having fun. I am not sure what caused it, may be because gold is the answer to everything in this game. I am not against it, every mmo have gold farmers, I believe its a part of the game; but here its turning out to be the game itself. I don't know if its good or bad, but I wanted to put it across.

6) Last but not the least, reward the hard work of players who keep running same maps over and over again. Its alright to have everything on RNG, but please leave something definitive for the unfortunates who never have luck to get a decent drop. May be an item that has 1% drop chance will have higher chance with 100 or may be 1000 runs. Something on those lines.., I am sure you can work it out.

1) A guild calendar for scheduling guild events and raid runs (if there are going to be more raids). Can be used by anyone in the guild, owner of the event can edit or delete the event, or can assign moderators to do the same.
2) Please start displaying server time in the game, will be very helpful.

Sorry about the long read but I tried to keep it as short as possible. Thank you.