Quote Originally Posted by Guanek View Post
This are just my ideas.I hope that atleast one of them gets implemented soon.

We all miss the old events such as Forgotten Event from which u looted up forgotten gear.You guys added this back for last years(2016) Halloween Event, but the fbows were only for l75+.Id like to see this update get implemented for all levels, the way it used to be.

2.Premium Items
Id like to see the limited time plat gear get back In store.Some examples of this are The Marvel pack which gave you random vanity item from the pack.

3.YouTube Bonus
This idea is my original so hear it out. There could be a section in store called YouTube which will redirect to sign you in with you Google account to confirm how many subscribers u have giving u a pack with YouTube bonuses, such as : vanities,plat and more.It will all be according to your subscriber count.
I think this would be a good idea to implement since if PL has active youtubers the game will keep growing. And people will advertise this. Ive seen this on a lot of android games.Example 1000 subscribers: tier 10 pack

4. Limited time items
By tis I'm reffering to the items like COP,MFA,ESB,EWT get an update. For an example IF you reach lvl105 in 2,3 days u get a premium one time only vanity.Also I would be glad if you made an update to The 3yr Pl Shield and those outdated veteran uniforms.

Please take these in consideration.
No way on cap items. This isnt PLA so we dont have tiers, and no to marvel packs. I like them as collectibles.