Quote Originally Posted by Motherless_Child View Post
So, you basically want the game to begin from "scratch" and just toss aside what has already been created, built upon, adjusted, experienced, ETC., ETC. so that a "NEW" player like yourself can just "JUMP IN" and have "AL" basically start at "a/the beginning" with you????

So, after this "NEW" AL is built and you have put in, let's say 3 years, and now you have this & that done, this and that learned, this and that achieved, progress here, progress there, then some NEW player comes in and says; "Hey guys, what do you guys think about "RESETTING" everything and beginning from scratch so that we can have a NEW, BLANK slate to start from"............. What would your response be?????
You dont need to be so triggered I was refering to a fresh new server without to have any relation between them.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?”